Smart Water Solutions
Smart Water Solutions – launched in 2018 - provides water efficiency management and measurement for the non-residential sector.
In partnership with REIDenvironmental and BMT (both approved service providers through Smart Approved WaterMark) we provide non-residential water audits and water efficiency training (online and in-person). Both services were developed on the principles of end use analysis.
Our services help businesses, local government and water utilities to become water efficient and to waste less water across their operations. We’re proud to work with business water users to facilitate fast, achievable and large-scale operational water savings.

We’re proud to work with business water users to facilitate fast, achievable and large-scale operational water savings.
- We have undertaken audits on behalf of Tamworth Regional Council, Bathurst Regional Council, Mid Coast Council and Dubbo Regional Council resulting in opportunities for businesses to save up to 30% on their water use through the adoption of simple water efficient technologies, fixing leaks and monitoring.
- We undertook audits of 39 hospitals and health centres run by NSW Public Health and identified huge water and money saving opportunities.
- We conducted detailed fieldwork on behalf of NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE), in order to identify potential water efficiency opportunities in 12 water supply systems across 6 Local Water Utilities (LWUs) in the Murray Darling Basin. The research uncovered potential savings of 22% with a payback of just over 3 years.