Understanding water attitudes

We investigate Australia’s attitude towards water by authoring credible, statistically relevant research to help to inform, innovate and guide the water industry, product manufacturers, businesses and homeowners.
Our Approach
- We commission research like ‘Australia’s Relationship with Water’ to identify trends in water attitudes and behaviour such as the fact that most Australians are on autopilot when it comes to household water use. Exploring how we really use water vs how we think we use water is a key focus.
- We publish annual Water Night participant surveys to track attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of those most engaged.
- We monitor community responses to our regular water efficiency newsletters and social media to assess attitudes, behaviours and actions in a less formal and immediate way.
- We engage with children, householders of the future, to gauge their understanding and attitudes to water.
- We consult with local government and businesess to understand why and how they use water in order to recommend improvements.